Sunday Fangirls Collection | S.M.C - 001


Sunday Fangirls was created with the desire to highlight the diversity of fandoms in sports. And specifically highlight the creativity coming out of the fan spaces in motorsports with a focus on reclaiming the word ‘fangirls’ which for too long has been used against the very women who often set the trend and culture in these spaces.

I’ve argued for the past five years that you can’t want the economic power and relevancy that young female fans bring to the table and not respect this entire demographic. The summer of 2023 was an incredible time for young female fans - The Women’s Football World Cup broke so many records, Barbie the Movie grossed more than $1B in revenue and both Beyonce and Taylor Swift quite literally boosted the US economy.

I’ve found that an easy way to kick-start the dialogue around representation and diversity in this space is through merchandise. The Sunday Fangirls Collection S.M.C - 001 was our first collection in collaboration with designer Codie Chang and aimed to do just that - start a conversation.

Photographers: Umami Boy and Cc Chung
Designer: Codie Chang


FE | Portland E Prix 2023


Car launch | AMR23